My idea is based off of the body featuring examples showed in class. My idea is to do a tour of my tattoos. I currently have around 7 tattoos, which would each be clickable. Then they would have multiple paths branching off each tattoo that tells the story of how I got them, what they mean to me, etc. I also have one “hidden” tattoo that will be one of my easter eggs. I would also like to include easter eggs to the instagrams of the tattoo artists I have gotten tattoos from as a way to credit them for their work.
location: left upper rib
pain level: 6/10
artist: (ask mom)
reason: 18th birthday, state flower of california
date received: June 2020
easter eggs - click “ state flower of california” to reveal poppy state flower wiki
safety pin
location: left hip
pain level: 3/10
artist: Russian Man (unknown)
reason: stick-and-poke cover up job
date received: Dec 2020
easter eggs - reveal of stick and poke page
gemini tattoo
location: right upper arm
pain level: 1/10
artist: Russian Man (unknown)
reason: “my zodiac sign will never change”
date received: Aug 2020
easter eggs - click on tattoo to link to gemini daily horoscope
toe tattoo
location: right big toe
pain level: 7.5/10
artist: Russian Man (unknown)
reason: none (clearly)
date received: Aug 2020
easter eggs - revealed with “wait i thought it said i had 8 tattoos” w arrow; maybe link to pic of the three of us?
shrimp fried rice
location: right inner foot
pain level: 5/10
artist: zach - tribal rites
reason: 2 of my roommates and I got our fried rice orders tattooed on our feet
date received: April 2022
sacred heart
location: right upper arm
pain level: 4/10
artist: brandon - east main
reason: homage to my catholic upbringing (yikes) and hispanic heritage
date received: June 2022
location: left upper arm
pain level: 3/10
artist: baker - east main
reason: matching with my mom
date received: Aug 2021
easter eggs - click link to meaning of bats and family?
location: left upper arm
pain level: 2/10
artist: zach - tribal rites
reason: broke my left arm in half when I was 10
date received: Sept 2022